Privacy Policy
Personal Data
We hold personal data so that we can process online purchases, donations and keep members up to date with the services we offer.
We hold your name, postal and email addresses, and phone number. We only disclose this information to third parties to facilitate online sales and the distribution of our communications, newsletters and annual journal. We keep your membership data while your membership is active and delete it if you do not renew.
Members can access the secure Members’ Area to see the data we hold about you. The lawful basis on which we keep this information is your express consent for us to do so. You can withdraw your consent at any time by updating the information in your membership account.
If you believe we have mishandled your personal data you can lodge a complaint with the Information Commissioner (
The Textile Society holds the email addresses of subscribers to the website and other data submitted to the Textile Society in the process of online purchases and donations.
The Textile Society holds the names, postal and email addresses and phone numbers of subscribing members.
The Textile Society uses member contact information to provide membership services, which include distributing News, the newsletter, and Text, the annual journal, along with information about events, the AGM and annual conference, bursaries and awards, the research symposium and other opportunities.
The Textile Society does not share the information it holds about members except to distribute Text, the annual journal, and the printed version of News, the newsletter (if you have opted to receive a printed copy) when the mailing lists are sent to the printers. The printers are required to destroy this information after each distribution.
You have been asked to grant your express consent at the point of membership, to allow us to provide your membership services. Your preferences and contact details can be updated in your membership account, accessed through the secure Members’ Area of the website.
The Membership Secretary’s email is: