Craft Sector Survey (Scotland)
As makers emerge from the pandemic, it is now more important than ever that Craft Scotland and its partners have a comprehensive and robust picture of the current health of the craft sector in Scotland.
With this in mind, we have appointed EKOS, an economic research agency, to gather data that will inform both our ongoing advocacy efforts on behalf of the sector and the range of support that we are able to provide for makers.
As part of this work, we are asking makers across Scotland to complete a short survey seeking some information on their practice. Closing date for entries is midnight, Monday 26 September 2022.
>>> Take part in the survey today:
The survey is targeted at professional makers, including those for whom craft is not their main or only source of income. We want to build as complete a picture as possible of the sector so this survey is relevant even if you have left the sector in the last year.
If you have any queries regarding the survey, please contact the EKOS research team (Michael Dunn, or Craft Scotland directly at