CALL FOR PAPERS – V&A ‘Africa Fashion’ conference
18 and 19 November 2022
Organised in conjunction with the V&A’s exhibition Africa Fashion (2 July 2022-16 April 2023), this conference provides a forum for the sharing and exchange of knowledge around contemporary African fashions. The conference will take an interdisciplinary cross-cultural approach. Presentations will focus on fashion on and from the African continent from 19th century to today.
The V&A invite proposals for both 10-minute and 20-minute presentations, from creatives thinkers at all stages of their careers. Please submit a title and abstract (max. 300 words) and a brief bio by 25 July 2022.
Tickets and ticket prices for the conference will be available on the V&A website from September.
Please direct any enquiries to For further information, please visit the V&A conference website.